The Dark is a natural part of Life, full of Mystery and Magic.

The Dark is a natural part of Life, full of Mystery and Magic.
 We fear it though… don’t We?

We fear that We will be swallowed whole by it...

We fear that We will never emerge...

We fear who and what We will find there...

We fear that the Light will never return...

And We fear that if it does, it’ll find Us broken beyond repair.

Those deep, Dark passages in Life are nothing to scoff at.

 And whether We desire it or not, those deep Dark passages come for Us all.
We can spend Our precious Lives living in fear and avoidance, forever giving power to the belief that the Dark diminishes Us, making choices from a place of risk-aversion or damage-control...
 Or We can learn to dance with the Dark, surrender to the Alchemy & Transformation it offers, and emerge on the other side, back into the Light, in an even deeper embodiment of Our authentic Magic & Power.

If You would like to learn how to do this,
join Me inside:

Transmute your Trauma and Find Your Magic in the Dark

8 Modules
Alchemize your pain through 8 weeks of audio journeys, journal prompts, and ceremony. Meet other like-minded souls & support each other.


7 Audio Journeys
Each week, you'll find a new audio journey in the course portal. Set your space, limit distractions, put in your headphones, and go on a journey.

Live Group Q&A
At the end of the journey, the final week includes a Q&A where some incredibly powerful questions were asked & breakthroughs were shared.

This program is very close to my heart. It is inspired through my own dark passages, as well as holding and witnessing so many others through dark passages of their own.

Losing my son, who was born at 26 weeks, was by far the most anguished and painful event of my life. His name is Cillian Xavier Alexander MacLellan and he graced our lives with his physical presence for 20 blessed days. My water had broken six weeks prior and despite the odds against him, he just stayed in my womb and kept on growing. He was born tiny and perfect and mighty. Although I was so sure that he would stay here in this life with us, it seems he had other plans. He has been an exquisitely beautiful and painful lesson for me in Unconditional Love, Sacred Motherhood and Divine Surrender. I’m so deeply thankful that he came to me.

This trauma served as a powerful catalyst for my awakening and my ability to seek answers by reading the Akashic Records. I’m really really excited to release this program, Magic in the Dark, which is so near and dear to my heart. I created it to help others alchemize their pain. We all have the power to transmute our trauma and find our Magic in the Dark.

It is time to learn to dance with the Dark, surrender to the Alchemy & Transformation it offers, and emerge on the other side, back into the Light, in an even deeper embodiment of Our authentic Magic & Power.

What are you waiting for?